Saturday, April 21, 2012

Screaming Kids

Posted on Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 8:23 AM

Now that Spring is here, the air is permeated with the sounds of birds
chirping, lawnmowers, and children playing, screaming like their feet were
dipped in fire and their asses were catching. Parents: I have learned not
to respond to this screeching because it is a constant. If you child were
truly hurt, I most likely would ignore it, thinking it was 'just play
noises'. If your child were to screech only when hurt or being abducted,
there might be less crime against children, and more people would be aware
that a loud, high-pitched scream is a signal for trouble. Be good parents
and stop your kids from crying wolf. A peaceful neighborhood is a pleasant
place to be. One where your 5 kids scream at the top of their lungs is not.
Have a care about the feelings of those around you.


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