Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hump Day Happy Hour

Posted By on Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 1:06 PM

In Spokane's downtown C.I. Shenanigan's from 3-6 pm and 9 pm-close is selling their appetizers—icluding the hummus, hot wings, quesidilla and the sliders—for half price. Locally brewed Big Horn beers go from $2-$4. Wells are $3 and the margaritas, mojitos, cosmopolitans and martinis are $5.

At the Coeur d'Alene Capone's wells are a dollar off and 20oz and 60oz beers are 50 cents off from 5-7 pm.

Casey's bar up north serves $2 wells, $3 shots and domestic bottles for $2.50 from 2-4 pm.

Charley's Grill & Spirits just north of downtown is serving wells and drafts for $2.50 and lemon drops, appletinis and cosmopolitans for $4.

Charlie P.'s in the Spokane Valley has $1.75 wells from 3-4 pm, $2.50 wells and $2.50 drafts from 4-6 pm.

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