Thursday, January 10, 2013

Red Dawn will not win an Oscar

Posted By on Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:54 AM

The nominees for the 85th Academy Awards have been announced, and Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln leads the field with the number of nominations. Here are the top categories with our reviews and trailers, so you can have strong opinions about which ones totally don’t deserve the Oscar without actually watching them all. (Watching all nine Best Picture films would take 20 hours, 18 minutes.)




Bradley Cooper, Silver Linings Playbook
Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
Hugh Jackman, Les Miserables
Joaquin Phoenix, The Master
Denzel Washington, Flight


Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
Emmanuelle Riva, Amour
Quvenzhane Wallis, Beasts of the Southern Wild
Naomi Watts, The Impossible

Check out the full list of all nominees in all categories here. In case you were wondering, Red Dawn did not receive any nominations.

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Lisa Waananen

Lisa Waananen is the web editor and a staff writer at the Inlander. She specializes in data and graphics, and her recent cover stories have been about family history, the legacy of Spokane photographer Charles A. Libby and genetically modified food...