Wednesday, May 22, 2013
One of the best things about walking clear across the Inlander HQ offices to get coffee half a dozen times a day is passing by Art Director Chris Bovey’s office and taking a peek at his screen to see what he’s working on.
Some of his extracurricular work — a series of Eastern Washington landmark prints — is featured today over on Collect, a Spokane-centric blog curated by Karli Ingersoll that we told you to check out last month. (There's even more to see now, and you can contribute other ideas.)Since he’s just down the hall, we asked Chris to explain a little more about how the project came about:
How did you get started on this project?
I started with Mount Spokane because I see it every morning on my way to work. Yeah, it’s not as big as Rainier but it’s glorious in its own way and it needed to have its own tribute. I love Spokane and there are so many awesome things here that we take for granted.
How you do choose which landmarks to feature?
I am intrigued about government design. Mt. Spokane, Finch and Grand Coulee are all government sites and there is such beauty in their simplistic designs. From the Helvetica signage to the architecture at those places, they're beautiful. Turbull Wildlife Refuge in Cheney is another I plan to do.
Where do you get inspiration for the colors and styles?
Oddly enough, when I design them on the computer first they never come out as cool or amazing as when I actually hit them with ink. So much changes during that process and you just have to adapt and roll with it. It really is lightning and I couldn't do the exact same thing again even if I wanted to. That is the exciting part.
Check out more detail photos of the prints over on Collect.