Thursday, July 18, 2013

Tell us who's making the region a better place

Posted By on Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 10:11 AM

Who do you think is making our community a better place? 

It's time for The Inlander's annual philanthropy issue — "Give Guide" — where we highlight people who are making things better here in the Inland Northwest. But we need your help.

We're in search of people to showcase in the issue, and for nominations for our annual Peirone Prize, a monetary award recognizing people who are passionate about generating change in our community.

From education, youth and social action to the environment, animals or community gardening, there are tons of areas where local people are working hard to make our world better. Tell us who they are, what they do and why they deserve our support!

We know people of all ages are working hard to make a difference, but we want to encourage young people to get involved and stay involved, so we're especially looking for people 35-ish and younger.

Last year's winners were Jamie Borgan, Kat Hall and Mary Charbonneau. In 2011, we recognized Bart Mihailovich, Amy Hendricks and Korrine Kreilkamp

Please send names of individuals you'd like to nominate, their ages if you know them, and a sentence or two explaining why you think they deserve recognition to [email protected] by no later than next Thursday, August 1.

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Heidi Groover

Heidi Groover is a staff writer at the Inlander, where she covers city government and drug policy. On the job, she's spent time with prostitutes, "street kids," marriage equality advocates and the family of a 16-year-old organ donor...