Friday, September 20, 2013
Governor Jay Inslee uses the ol' "Protect Fairchild from base encroachment" argument to hit Spokane County's recent growth area expansion. (Inlander)
Five different groups want to try to attempt the jump that Evel Knievel failed at the Snake River Canyon.(Associated Press.)
The University of Washington is in trouble for withholding records from an upset employee who believes she was unfairly denied tenure. $723,000 worth of trouble. (Associated Press.)
The family of a man who committed suicide in a state hospital is suing the state of Idaho. (CDA Press)
The House passes a budget to defund Obamacare. Will it get through the Senate and stop Obamacare from being implemented? (No.) (NYT)
On the one hand, Alan Turing was a brilliant inventor and codecracker who helped defeat Nazi Germany. But on the other hand, he was gay. (Washington Post)
Russia's Children Commissioner knows that all you need to teach sex education are in the pages of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. (The Atlantic Wire)
Stephen Colbert is downright proud of the North Idaho company selling pork-laced bullets. (With a special cameo by KHQ's Stephanie Vigil.)
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