Thursday, November 7, 2013

THIS WEEKEND IN MUSIC: Live music pours down on Inland NW

Posted By on Thu, Nov 7, 2013 at 1:58 PM

On this exceedingly wet day, we give pause to remember the best song about rain ever written, besides Hilary Duff’s “Come Clean”, of course. (Play video below and listen while scrolling through the page).


Tonight, was supposed to be the start of the Bartlett’s grand opening weekend. But no matter, there’s much more music to be had.

In a last minute FREE show at Boots Bakery tonight at 7pm, the Feral Anthem (formerly Citizen Arms) is back in Spokane to lay some rock down on the scene. Jacob Jones, of Inlander newswriter fame, will open with his singer-songwriter tunes. It shouldn’t last later than 9:30 pm. Perfect for the old folks among us. 


In the beginning, Cloud Person was just one. Pete Jordan started the now-six-piece outfit as a solo project. But soon he needed a violin and standup bass to fill out his acoustic guitar sound, then drums and keys. The Seattle band’s sound reminds thoroughly of Neutral Milk Hotel. And, just like NMH was, and is, Jeff Mangum’s band, Cloud Person is Jordan’s project — as seen on the new album Monochrome Places that was entirely mixed, recorded and written by him. Basically, it’s his cloud, he’s just inviting others to come and sit on it with him. Friday, Cloud Person with & Yet, Strangled Darlings and Tyler Aker will take on Mootsy’s at 9 pm. Cost is $5.

Also note KYRS is celebrating 10 years on local radio waves with the help of Son Dulce. Tickets are $15-20 and kids under 12 are free. 


“I’m with the banned.” Get it? Ha. This cleverly named show, which will begin as a conversation of censorship and punk music coinciding with the release of the 2013 Comic Book Legal Defense Fund's Liberty Annual at 7 pm, will be at Merlyn’s Saturday. After the panel discussion, rockers 66beat, Rice Queen and Bloody Gloves will take over.

The Bettys and Good Night Venues play Jones Radiator
The Bad Lovers (out of Austin), BBBBandits and DJ Case will be at Baby Bar


Spokane Community College is hosting the annual Fall Folk Festival. All sorts of folks are coming out for this one (went there, yes). The event features eight stages over two days. For anyone especially into bluegrass, this is the place for you.

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Laura Johnson

Laura moved to the great Inland Pacific Northwest this summer. She is the Inlander's new music editor.