Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Are you looking at the Volume schedule and feeling your eyes start to cross? Yeah, us too. For a little help, we asked some of Spokane’s favorite musicians to send us their dream schedules — some of which are only possible if you have two bodies. Or if you sprint between venues. We suggest sprinting over dismemberment. — Leah Sottile
2013 Band to Watch, 66beat; 2014 Band to Watch, Bloody Gloves
Even if I didn’t have to be at Club 412 to play bass in Bloody Gloves, I would have to be there to watch Hard Time, who I consider the best new band in Spokane. They just don’t stop. It’s brutal. I may go early to see Nailbastard. Maybe I can find a couple of VHS copies of Speed for Ryan.
The only other venue that would hold my attention for longer than it would take me to leave is the Big Dipper. What a lineup! 7 pm: Heavy F—-in’ Seventeen. Nobody plays guitar like Matt Lakin. They are the return of college rock.
I will also be sad to miss Normal Babies. They are the right kind of ugly.
Topping it off is Tweak Bird, which has one of the most professional-sounding drummers I have ever seen. Special place in my heart for the two-piece. They rock.
I’m glad my band 66beat is playing an all-ages crowd at the Big Dipper. Not even because I want the all-agers to see us — which I do. However, who would want to compete with Flee the Century? I still don’t get it after seeing them countless times over the past decade, and I don’t want to get it. I just want to dance. And I don’t dance.
I’m glad Flee is playing late too, so other bands I enjoy, like H(eavyasf—-)ooves, and Ouija Bored don’t have to compete with the Synth Lords.
See the full Volume schedule here. See all the band profiles here. See other lineup picks as we roll 'em out here.
Tags: Musicians' Picks 2014 , Music , Volume Picks 2014 , Image