Wednesday, February 4, 2015
We are writing to you to voice our collective concern regarding Vegas-style casino gaming recently introduced at off-reservation locations such as Post Falls, Boise and Idaho Falls under the pretense of wagering on historical horse races. This new form of casino gaming, called Instant Racing, has been determined in several states to be nothing more than illegal video slot machines attempting to pass as horse racing. If Instant Racing is not stopped, we could see these installed in one location in every county in the state.In particular, the signatories of the letter worry the machines could "directly harm" the Couer d'Alene Tribe, who are allowed to use slot machines, and Idaho's other Indian tribes.
We believe it is your duty to uphold the Idaho State Constitution and take immediate action to stop illegal activity occurring in the State. We encourage you to take a thorough look at these new machines and stop these Instant Racing Machines before they spread to every county.
The Tribe has kept its promises with the state and has gone above and beyond to provide for andRead the complete letter here.
partner with communities throughout all of Idaho, providing millions of dollars in donations and
services to our schools, transportation infrastructure, healthcare needs and other causes. Let’s not
jeopardize our important relationship with the tribes in Idaho.
CDA Instant-Racing Opposition Letter
Tags: Greyhound Park; Coeur d'Alene; Instant Racing , Sports , News , Image