Wednesday, March 2, 2016
As you may know, the City of Spokane is conducting an investigation into a variety of personnel matters as described in the attached scope of work memorandum. You may possess information that is relevant to the investigation therefore the outside investigator wishes to interview you.Meanwhile, to avoid a conflict of interest, the city hired an outside law firm to provide administrative oversight for matters concerning Straub's lawsuit, as City Attorney Nancy Isserlis is a named defendant. Former mayor Dennis Hession is the firm's primary contact; Assistant City Attorney Sam Faggiano will be the city's liaison to the firm. The contract is for up to $48,700.
As a City employee, you are encouraged to cooperate fully in the investigation. In doing so, you must be as honest and candid with the investigator as possible and answer all of her questions to the best of your ability. Your honest and candid perspective is important to the integrity of the investigation.
If you are contacted by the investigator, you should not discuss the investigation, your conversations with the investigator, or even whether you have been contacted by the investigator with any other potential witnesses while the investigation process is pending. However, you are of course encouraged to discuss the matter with your union representative or legal representative should you decide to retain counsel.
For efficiency of scheduling, please contact Barbara Patrick, Administrative Secretary, by March 1st with your intent to participate. She can be reached at (509) 625-6271 or [email protected].
Finally, it is important that you understand you will not be retaliated against for participating or not participating in this investigation. If at any point you feel you are experiencing retaliation for participating in this process (or any other reason), please contact the Human Resources Department or the City Hearing Examiner immediately.
Tags: Frank Straub , Monique Cotton , scandal at city hall , Dennis Hession , Mary Schultz , Bob Dunn , News , Image