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It's all about the Hamilton, baby
• Dale Alvin is bringing his "Roots on the Rails" to Spokane. When? You'll have to click
this link and give us more page-views to find out.
The Charter School Battle is Over... But the Charter School War Has Just Begun
• Spokane's charter schools celebrated a reprieve from their executions. But Michael Baumgartner warns that charter schools aren't quite off
death row yet.
That's the thing about Militants. They're Militant
• In an episode of Sheriff Ozzie's podcast,
Harney County sheriff Dave Ward says militants were being all militant even before they took over the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. (Spokesman-Review)
More Ombudsman, Less Ombudsman
• Breean Beggs has a new plan to change the ombudsman hiring process — by
cutting the unions out. But to do that, he would give the ombudsman less of a role in officer discipline. (Spokesman-Review)
L.A. Confidential
• Ben Stuckart's
legislative assistant, Adam McDaniel, has been accused of an ethics violation for using his position for personal gain. Stuckart says that's just ridiculous. (KREM)
Cruz's Attacks on "New York Values" Fails To Be Valued By New York
• Trump absolutely cleaned up in New York. Cleaned. Up. Meanwhile, Ted Cruz got slaughtered. And in one district, guess who beat him? If you guessed
Ben Carson, good job, but we're guessing you cheated. (Gawker)
Someone Should Teach That Guy A Lesson about Feminism
• The "mom" on Craigslist asking for a "tutor" to teach her "kid" about feminism was a
hoax, if the quotation marks didn't already give it away. And the guy hoaxing it? He's been accused of
serial harassment against women. (Slate)
It Must Be Nice to Have Jack Lew On Your Side
• Former Secretary of the Treasury/Hip Hop Artist Alexander Hamilton is staying on the $10, says current Secretary of the Treasury/Jack Lew. Women who helped win women the right to vote are going
on the back of the bill. Or is that...
the front of the bill? It all depends on how you look at it, right?
Oh, and Andrew Jackson's off the $20, to be replaced by Harriet Tubman. Have a problem with that? Well, cry me a trail of tears.