Annette. Bus #25 going North around 3:30 p.m. on Saturday, September 21st.
You: beautiful dark haired Italian girl who noticed my ring and asked if I
was married. I commented "NO" as it was on my middle finger and got lost in
a rather short conversation due to my bus stop being close by. I was the
Norwegian guy in the grey t-shirt over a white thermal, black hat
backwards, goatee, and jeans. I jumped off of the bus and forgot my bag and
jumped back on. I wanted to stay just to continue talking to you, but I
just couldn't due to prior engagements and a metal show I had to go and
help a band out with that night. What do you say we meet at the Plaza
sometime, maybe take a longer bus ride just to talk? Your smile is stuck in
my head and I just so happen to like that as it makes me smile.
[email protected]