The time I wanted to work overtime, and they wouldn't let us because they had to have two females working the overtime together. So my direct bosses wanted me to work overtime, but the big bosses said you had to have two women working at the same time.
What year was that?
This was probably in 1963 or 1964.
I had mostly good bosses, but I had a bad experience as a boss.
OK, that works.
I specifically told an employee they weren't supposed to do something, and they went ahead and did it and compromised the whole staff and the whole situation, only because they disagreed with what we had agreed to do.
When I first started teaching, I had a principal that was old school and kind of ran the school with demands, but that was my only bad experience.
I have really good bosses. I'm having a hard time trying to think of an example for you. They've never been undermining or anything like that.
So I'm a professor, and during one of my reviews my boss asked everyone else in my department to write letters basically saying how horrible I was, in an attempt to get me dismissed. The letters were full of libel and hearsay, and were nothing they should have been writing down and were not true. They reported that students had said things that students had not said, and said I cried in meetings to gain attention.