Bridget Freeman: When my girls were small we'd get real cream and put it in a clean Pace Picante jar, seal it up, and they would shake it until butter was made! They loved contributing to the meal as well as watching the butter solidify in the jar.
Christie Pearson: By far the most unusual side dish I've encountered was porcupine feet. Thankfully that hasn't become part of our family tradition.
Jara Deaugustino: Sweet potato casserole is always the top fave.
Ali Daschbach: Favorite is mashed potatoes, hands down. Strangest is pumpkin purée soup.
Eric Eaton: Zip's tartar.
Amanda Hutyler: My favorite side dish is green bean casserole! My sister usually makes it, but since we're doing a Quaransgiving this year I'll have to make it myself. I hope it turns out as good as hers.
Leslie Jean Amland: Spinach madeline has become a T-day staple since I met my husband over 11 years ago. His parents are from the South and I had never had it before I met them.
Miranda Larson: Mashed potatoes for sure are my fave. Weird one (I don't like) is baked canned yams with marshmallows on top, or cooked carrots with brown sugar on them?
Joanna Newcomb: My mom always makes cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting. And she's insistent that they are not dessert. They are part of the dinner. It goes on your plate with the turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, etc. And the melty brown sugar goo adds a little something nice when it mingles with the other dishes.
Tricia Adams: My favorite Thanksgiving item would be pumpkin pie. Love the smell of it baking. ♦
Normally, we ask our question of the week of people we randomly encounter on the street. But with the coronavirus pandemic, we instead asked our followers on social media to share their thoughts.