Monday, December 12, 2011

MORNING BRIEFING: Condon makes his first move.

Posted on Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 9:42 AM

Around Town

Condon and Co. want first crack at union deal — Spokane's mayor-elect, along with incoming conservative council members, wrote to the council president this weekend, asking him to delay negotiations with city workers until the administration is sworn in. (Bloglander)

North Spokane LGBT center broken into — Security camera at neighboring coffee shop may have caught the offender on tape. (KXLY)

Date night at the shooting range (NWCN)

Occupy Seattle aims to shut down port — It's part of an Occupy goal to shut down all ports on the West Coast. (KXLY)

Out There

Designers withdraw plan for Korean towers that look like exploding WTC (KHQ)

Why the MLK memorial failed (Atlantic)

Is Richard Dawkins a proper atheist? (Telegraph)

Playing Beethoven for Elephants

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