Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Each Wednesday on Bloglander, we give you a taste of happyhours going on at bars around town that night. (Read previous posts.)
Big Sky, in north Spokane, celebrates happy hour from 4-7 pm. Specials include: $1 off all pitchers of beer.
The Globe, in downtown Spokane, serves up happy hour from 4-7 pm. Specials include: $3 wells, $2 drafts of Pabst Blue Ribbon, Bud Light and Kokanee and $5 select food items.
The Baby Bar, in downtown Spokane, ushers in happy hour all day. Specials include: $1 grilled cheese sandwiches and $1 Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Bag O Nails, in Spokane Valley, celebrates happy hour all day. Specials include: $4 24-ounce cans of domestics and $5 32-ounce drafts.
Tags: happy hour , food and drink , nightlife , Food , Image