Sunday, December 6, 2015

THIS WEEK: Phantogram, English Beat, Christmas revs up and a Bing Film Fest

Posted By on Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 1:00 PM

That sound you hear is the inevitable march of time, and the approach of Christmas, now less than three weeks away. Better entertain yourself between shopping binges. Check out our event listings and Staff Picks for some great suggestions, and here are some highlights in the week ahead: 

Monday, Dec. 7

COMMUNITY | I love everything about the idea of getting Pet-Friendly Santa Photos taken at the Southside Senior and Community Center. Bring your kids and bring your pets to hang with the fat man!

Tuesday, Dec. 8

FILM | The Garland Theater is spending December Tuesdays doing the Totally Tubular Tuesday Holiday Edition, which means cheap tix, just $2.50, and a bunch of Christmas classics. This week, it's A Christmas Story, the '80s classic of charm and leg lamps and those damn dogs. Here's a reminder of the splendor: 

Wednesday, Dec. 9

LIVE BANDS | Electro-pop duo Phantogram stops by Spokane in between dates opening for Muse in arenas. Read our story about the band, then head to the Knitting Factory for what is sure to be a memorable show. Here's one of their latest tunes: 

LIVE BANDS | If you're more punk-rock than electro-pop, get thee to The Bartlett for a fine, locally focused show featuring The Smokes, Itchy Kitty and Ben Jennings

Thursday, Dec. 10
MUSIC EVENTS & CONCERTS | A cool event returns after a short hiatus, inviting Spokane and the city's neighbors to hear some Music in Historic Homes. The first of the three-program series running through next spring is a holiday concert in the Matthews-Woldson House, built in 1916 on Spokane’s South Hill.  

LIVE BANDS | I'm biased because I've seen them, oh, maybe 20 times or so, but The English Beat put on one of the most fun concerts you'll ever attend. But only go if you love dancing for two hours non-stop. They play The Bartlett, and it WILL sell out, so get them tix, people! Here's a taste: 

Friday, Dec. 11

THEATER | Take a pause from the holiday shenanigans and replenish your faith in American and its journalist folks by checking out Red Hot Patriot: The Kick-Ass Wit of Molly Ivins at the Stage Left Theater. Read our story about the show here

Saturday, Dec. 12

FILM | It's the Bing Crosby Holiday Film Festival's 10th year, and you can read all about it later this week in the new issue of The Inlander. In the meantime, just know that films run all day, there's a performance by Bing's nephew Howard, and it'll be a ring-a-ding-ding kind of croony good time. 

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Samurai, Sunrise, Sunset @ Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture

Tuesdays-Sundays, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Continues through June 1
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Dan Nailen

Dan Nailen was an editor and writer at the Inlander from 2014-2023.