Voters overwhelmingly passed a $495 million school construction bond in 2018 — how'd it work out?
By Colton Rasanen
30 Years of Inlander: 2009-2010
By Nate Sanford
A Timeline of Afghanistan
By Samantha Wohlfeil
City spokesman Brian Coddington and finance chief Tonya Wallace are out if Lisa Brown is elected Spokane mayor
North Idaho College board hires fourth-place legal counsel with ties to Idaho's far right
NEWS BRIEFS: Spokane City Council gets a new member
Plus, voters will decide on an anti-camping ballot measure; and where we're at with last week's fires.
Inlander 30 Throwback: Olympia or Bust!
A frenzied, 63-hour journey through the state's political madhouse
By Nicholas Deshais
Inlander 30 Throwback: Saving Salish
Interior tribes work to save their languages. Plus, a town hall on violence and the legislative deadline.
Question of the Week
What are you thoughts on the PAC-12 breakup?
A century ago at Washington State College, citizenship was the curriculum that mattered most
By William Stimson
What we've learned, or haven't, from the latest round of studies
By Will Maupin
Braving summer weather and teens on scooters, Spokane Shakespeare Society shares its love of the Bard with the public
By E.J. Iannelli
The surging Mariners are suddenly baseball's hottest team
By Seth Sommerfeld
Musical feast, thrilling medical podcast; plus, new music!
I Saw You
Legendary coach Dennis Erickson stars in a new book about Cougar football, alongside his old childhood friend, Mike Price
By Ted S. McGregor Jr.
Huddling up with Coach Erickson
2023 College Football Team Previews
What to expect from Washington State, Eastern Washington, Idaho and Whitworth when they hit the gridiron
The profiteers wrecked the Pac-12, forcing one sad fan on a journey through the stages of grief
Celeste Shaw-Coulston turns pain into peace at her newest spot, Cafe Coco on East Main Avenue
By Eliza Billingham
The 10 biggest video games still coming in 2023
By Logan Plant
Bottoms offers an absurdist queer-focused take on the classic teen comedy
By Josh Bell
Trailblazing alternative rock band Pixies keep at it by keeping things simple
We bid Lucky You Lounge adieu via reflections from one of its staffers
By Elissa Ball
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Red Room Lounge says goodbye with a communal celebration of Craig Larsen's life
A sanctioned homeless camp in Colville is closing, but there's nowhere for residents to go. Does the city expect them to disappear?
Leaven Bakery & Patisserie in Deer Park touts "the best croissants this side of Paris"
By Dora Scott
Newly rebranded Spokane Colleges to move out of U-District building purchased by Spokane Public Schools, as each organization consolidates
Sneak Peek Preview
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